As a non-profit organization, Tess Unlimited could really use your help! Donate once or become a monthly donor*!

* You can donate monthly, per quarter, per 6 months, yearly or unlimited. Temporary donations will stop automatically.
Please note: would you like to donate for 3 or more months? Use PayPal/Creditcard (or arrange it through your bank).

Need inspiration? Take a look at our packages:

In the Netherlands the Foundation is recognized as a Algemene Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI-DUTCH). This means that you can deduct your contributions from the income tax return in accordance with the rules laid down by the Dutch Tax Authorities. All information can be found on the website of the

Tess Unlimited's bank details in the Netherlands are NL 95 ABNA 0619717688 (Abn Amro).