How it all started
My name is Tessa de Goede de Ordoñez. After studying at the Hotel Management School, it was time for me to explore the world. At the age of 20, I was completely done with school. I quickly left with my backpack to South America, where I traveled alone for seven months and did volunteer work in various places. I then lived in China for a year, spent some time in Nepal, and traveled extensively.
In 2008, I ended up in Guatemala with the main goal of improving my Spanish. Initially, the plan was to stay for just a month, but I fell in love with Guatemala, the country, the people, my work, and my salsa teacher, who has been my husband since 2010. During my stay, I started volunteering at a hospital with children born with cleft lip and palate. With my background of having a mother as a maternity nurse, I was familiar with cleft conditions and immediately felt at home. Since the mothers were not allowed to stay with the children in the hospital, my task was to feed, bathe, and dress them. I quickly became attached to these children, with their beautiful wide smiles and expressive eyes.
During that period, I was searching for my life's purpose. I discovered that there was no help available for these children in Guatemala, which broke my heart. After returning to the Netherlands, I knew for certain that I wanted to do something for these children in the future.
Once back in the Netherlands, I decided to establish a foundation. I assembled a board, created my own website, and shared my ambitious plans with everyone. My original idea was to return to Guatemala for a year to set up the project and manage it from the Netherlands. However, things turned out a bit differently... Now, 16 years later, I live and work full-time in Guatemala with the children with cleft conditions whom I fell in love with years ago. I never want to leave. This is my calling!
About the foundation
Stichting Tess Unlimited is gevestigd in Nederland (Kamer van Koophandel 08181442, RSIN nummer 819906268) en opgenomen in het ANBI-register from the Tax Authorities. The ANBI quality mark ensures that you can deduct your donations to us in the income tax return. we are not registered in the United States.
Besides the people we work with daily, we also work with partners such as the Lilliane Fonds, Elba foundation and Smile Train. In addition, we are very happy with the people who are committed to Tess Unlimited as members of the board, volunteers and as founders of a Club of 100.
The board

Tessa de Goede de Ordoñez
Is the contact person in Guatemala. Keeps the board in the Netherlands informed about the state of affairs on a daily basis
Loves: dogs and running

Tessa de Goede de Ordoñez
Is the contact person in Guatemala. Keeps the board in the Netherlands informed about the state of affairs on a daily basis
Loves: dogs and running

Paul de Goede
Is the father of Tessa. Retired and joined the board in 2018, but has been involved with the foundation from the very first hour.
Loves: wine and nature

Paul de Goede
Is the father of Tessa. Retired and joined the board in 2018, but has been involved with the foundation from the very first hour.
Loves: wine and nature

Christel Tinselboer
The country of eternal spring, Guatemala, where she has lived for 10 years has a special place in her heart. Currently she promotes the foundation in the Netherlands at presentations and markets.
Loves: theatre and her two kids

Christel Tinselboer
The country of eternal spring, Guatemala, where she has lived for 10 years has a special place in her heart. Currently she promotes the foundation in the Netherlands at presentations and markets.
Loves: theatre and her two kids

Paula van de Kamp
Graphic Designer
Lived in Guatemala for over 5 years, now a proud ambassador in the Netherlands. She was born with a cleft lip herself and created a picture book from this experience: "Beautiful the way you are".
Loves: photography and traveling

Ilse Taken
Heeft in 2018 vrijwilligerswerk gedaan bij TessUnlimited in Guatemala. In 2024 toegetreden tot het bestuur in Nederland.
Loves: reizen, vrijheid en wijn

Ine van Bakel
Bezoekt Guatemala sinds 2010 regelmatig en heeft in 2011 de eerste Club van 100 opgericht.
Loves: sporten, stadswandelingen en uit eten gaan