Speech therapy
In Guatemala, there is no specific training for speech therapists specializing in cleft palate as there is in the Netherlands. Therefore, several years ago, we established our own speech therapy program in collaboration with Smile Train. Currently, we employ eight local speech therapists who provide speech therapy throughout Guatemala, with three others currently in training. Our eight speech therapists offer monthly therapy to over 350 children, with most receiving therapy at least twice a month. By 2025, we will employ 11 speech therapists and be able to provide therapy to at least 425 children per month. As the only organization in Guatemala specializing in speech therapy for cleft palate, we also welcome many children who have been operated on elsewhere. Na een paar jaar logopedie krijgen kinderen, die goed kunnen praten, allemaal een diploma. We zullen hun spraak elke 6 tot 12 maanden blijven evalueren.
De kosten voor 1 jaar logopedie zijn €100 per kind en is gebaseerd op 24 sessies per jaar.