Milk project
A significant number of babies brought to us daily show signs of malnutrition. This is because babies with cleft lip and palate struggle to create a vacuum in their mouths, making breastfeeding and bottle feeding difficult. Families often cannot afford expensive formula milk powder, so they sometimes feed babies water with sugar or coffee.
This malnutrition has various consequences. If babies are underweight, they cannot undergo surgery, as a healthy weight is essential for an operation. This results in significant delays in the child's growth and health development. The milk project helps these malnourished babies achieve a healthy weight so they can qualify for their first surgery, the lip closure.
When newborn babies are brought to us immediately, we aim to provide breastfeeding support. To assist with this, we provide mothers with a breast pump and a special feeding bottle (Haberman bottle). On average, 10 children each year become malnourished again after their surgery. We provide these children with Nutrilisto, small packets of a peanut butter-like substance packed with vitamins and calories, to help them regain weight.
With an average of 6 to 8 cans of milk powder per month, we can ensure a baby reaches and maintains the appropriate weight. Typically, babies participate in our milk project for 5 to 6 months. Each month, these families visit Tess Unlimited's clinic in their province, where the babies are weighed and measured by a Tess Unlimited staff member. They receive milk and information on hygiene, and our local dietitian ensures all children reach and maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, all babies in the milk project receive vitamins and iron drops to ensure their blood levels are adequate when they reach the right weight for surgery. On average, we have 380 babies and children in our milk project each year.
To fully support a baby's weight gain, including nutrition, monthly check-ups, and medications, the cost is €360. (Unfortunately, milk powder prices have significantly increased in recent years, so we have had to adjust our prices.)